Sunday, 29 August 2010

Loughries Drumming Evening

On Friday evening 27th August at Ballygrainey Orange Hall, the local drumming fraternity gathered for a traditional drumming evening – the last of the year. It was arranged in order to facilitate the growing interest in our drumming nights and the new venue of Ballygrainey was selected.

We were all bitterly disappointed that we did not get drumming under the arch in Newtownards on the 11th of July due to inclement weather, so we thought the night before ‘Black Saturday’ would be fitting finale.

On the night 7 drums arrived (2 broke earlier in the day) and over 60 folk gathered to enjoy a nights drumming and a little fifing. All the local protagonists arrived and we had a great night as our numbers were swelled by visitors from Carrickfergus and Ballymena.

What was particularly pleasing for me was that 8 students I teach, either in schools (3 Belfast Boy’s Model Boy’s – nearly big men now and 2 x boys from Movilla High School N’Ards) or at Loughries drumming class were present – let’s hope those numbers keep increasing Here are a few snaps to whet your appetite.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Distinguished Visitors to Balmoral

Thursday afternoon, Balmoral was graced by a visit by two distinguished local musicians - Keith Lyttle and Dr. David Lyttle. Both took time off from busy schedules to call for a cup of tea and chat.

Keith very kindly took my youngest boy Christopher, for a shot trip on the machine, he was thrilled and excited.



Shhhhh...... Don't tell anyone, but I joined Unislim, yes Unislim in Bangor, on Tuesday 17th August, with my best man Peter Crawley - Peter me and 30 women!

I am not 'fat' rather somewhat over-weight and decided to loose weight with a little help. You get weighed, put on a plan and meet every Tuesday evening to weigh -in.

I stuck religiously to the plan that I was put on, did not stray once from the instructions and at the weigh - in on Tuesday I lost a whopping 10lbs in the first week - and won the prize 'slimmer of the week'

That said, it is a great way to loose weight, I was rather embarrassed at the start, but the girl in charge Nicola - Christine Bleakely's sister, is very warm and friendly - as are the other ladies!

Lets see what I can manage on week 2


Monday, 23 August 2010

Newtownards RBDC District Service

On Sunday 22nd August 2010, Newtownards Royal Black District Chapter No11, held its Annual Church Service, this year hosted by Millisle Preceptory and held in Millisle Presbyterian Church.

It was an excellent parade and enjoyable service with good weather, all in all a good day out.

As you can see my 'goatee' has made an appearance again, not sure if it is me or not, however it is great to hear the comments I receive – kind and not so welcome remarks, it may be off by Saturday.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Ulster Scots Summer School - Monaghan 3

Travelling from Monaghan Town to Coothill you come across this monument, it is a direction marker as you turn right towards Drum.

The monument was erected some years ago to a Gentleman called Richard Dawson a former MP for the area. Below the photo's I have copied an article regarding the structure - interesting!

The 1790s in Ireland was a turbulent decade which culminated in the unsuccessful Irish rebellion of 1798. It made the 72 year old Thomas Dawson, who had done so much to develop Dartrey and had replaced the old family home by a new brick mansion in 1780, decide to hand over his parliamentary seat to his nephew and heir, the 34 year old Richard Dawson, and retire to London.
Thomas, a longstanding Unionist politician of consumate skill and reputation, was later shocked to discover that his young nephew voted with ‘the rebels’ in support of Catholic emancipation and against the Act of Union. But Richard’s career in parliament was to last only ten years. He died aged 44 in 1807, and so ‘popular’ an MP had he become that his supporters erected this monument on the Dartrey estate in his memory.
Designed by James Wyatt (the Dawson temple architect), it is “a classical style column built of ashlar limestone, a fine piece of masonry work”. The 200 year old column has recently been restore

Ulster Scots Summer School - Monaghan 2

In June I was in Donegal Town with the USCN staff doing a series of workshops for local kids and I came across Anderson's Estate Agents - well here we are again in Drum, where the local Anderson's appeared to own the local Pub.

When I took this snap I met an elderly gentleman, Joe Johnston (84), who told me this was the old coach house where the horses used to change over for as the coach as it travelled from Enniskillen, through Monaghan to Dublin. Incidentally Joe Johnston turned out to be Board Member Alison Graham Father!

This plaque was on a wee house on Main Street - Self explanatory

Site of the old Presbyterian School house on the edge of the village.

Rush Hour in Drum!

As you can see I enjoyed the trip.

Ulster Scots Summer School - Monaghan 1

Over the summer months I attend summer schools on behalf of the Ulster Scots Agency, which I have been doing now for 5 years. On Tuesday I attended one such summer school in Drum Co. Monaghan, run by staff from the Border Minority Group. I always make a special effort for this summer school due to its proximity to the Border etc.

During my trip I visited the village / hamlet and took a few snaps and it would surprise you the history attached to such a small rural part of Monaghan.

Being a drummer it was great to drum in Drum!
This plaque celebrates the old Presbyterian Church at the gates of the local cemetery – a new church was built at the edge of the Village


Sunday, 15 August 2010

Victoria Primary School Newtownards(The old school)

I was looking at my old school web site - Victoria Primary School 1974 and came across this photo! Can you spot me, it won't be hard!

We were one of the best teams Victoria ever produced, well so I was told. I can name almost all the team and some are still very good friends to this day.

Brings back great memories! I am getting old.

Royal Black Institution

For me the Royal Black Institution of the British Commonwealth is the best, very traditional and most respected of the so called ‘Marching Orders’. My Preceptory is Ards Chosen Few RBP 290, encamped in Newtownards Co. Down, with the Preceptory being constituted in 1899, this is our 111 year - or in Newton speak, yin, yin, yin.
I have been a member of the Institution for 28 years and each year I look forward to this parade more than any other. In 2008 I had the great honour to be installed as Newtownards Royal Black District Chapter No 11’s District Master. There are 13 Preceptories in the District stretching from Six Road End, down one side of the Peninsula, back up the other side, into Newtownards and in to Conlig – in all around 600 members, with accompanying bands around 1,200 members on parade. Quite a responsibility I can tell you, but an experience I will remember for many years.
My family have been members of the Institution for generations and I am the first to have been District Master, I know my late father Blakely was very proud; he too was a member of RBP 290 for over 30 years.
During my year in office I had the privilege and pleasure to unveil a new District Bannerette, here is a photo of the Bannerette and some of my fellow District Officers – my I look so young.
This year the Co. Down Demonstration will be held in Newcastle, a parade I remember 26 years ago! Northern Ireland is a very different place since then and hopefully our parade will be welcomed by the people of Newcastle and we as visitors will act with respect & decorum and leave this beautiful town as we find it - and importantly not to bring discredit on our beloved Institution.

Thank You

Over recent weeks I have received several dozen e-mails, telephone calls and believe it or not hand written letters, thanking Loughries for the summer school, launch of Thomas Smith and words of encouragement for all the hard work we have been up to this year.

This is encouraging to our Chairman Hamilton Gregory, Treasurer Roy McCartney, myself and others who work hard to improve the Ulster Scots tradition in Newtownards. At times it has been very frustration when 'things' go on in the back ground - actively working against Loughries - a small inconvenience, however when you receive these words in support of our work it drives us on all the more.

Later in September / October, Loughries will hold a Mini - Ulster Scots festival, funded by Ards Borough Council - we have 3 events planned really to see if we could sustain a larger festival. Time will tell of course with the attendance numbers and quality of the events, we are up for the challenge and look forward to the support offered from family, friends and the wider supporters of Loughries and of course the Ulster Scots folk in Ards.


Royal Meeting

'Normal people' like me, don't get an opportunity to meet Royalty, whilst some do meet regularly. Here is Big Bro. David meeting Prince Charles at a recent event.

Note the warm handshake and relaxed atmosphere.


Tuesday, 10 August 2010


Today Matthew and I were in the garden playing tennis, we spotted a strange bird sitting on a ledge on one of the houses at the back of our garden.

We ran to the laptop and looked up the RSPB web site in Northern Ireland and on checking the birds of prey we thought the bird was a sparrowhawk. We took several photo's of the bird and sent them to Joanne Cathcart at the RSPB in Belfast.

This morning we received this reply:- Many thanks for your photos – I forwarded this to a couple of my colleagues and we all agree that it is a sparrowhawk.

The sparrowhawk is one of the smallest birds of prey in Europe. Today it is one of the most frequently encountered birds of prey. The female is twice the weight of the male and has 20% bigger wing span. Interestingly, while the female takes prey up to pigeon size, the male doesn’t catch anything bigger than the mistle thrush.

Perhaps you’ll see it again!

We have lived in Bangor for quite a number of years and this is the first time we have spotted a bird of prey - usually blackbirds, magpies or the seagulls.

It was something different anyway and got a little excited - Well done Matthew!


Monday, 9 August 2010

Northern Protestants - An Unsettled People.

A little light reading for August. I have been reluctant to but this book for a number of reasons, however today a visit to Easons in Bangor and well, I felt compelled to purchase it.
I am not too sure how I will feel reading it, but lets see where it take me.
I also bought an Ulster cookbook - yes, Ulster cookbook, it was stuck in the Irish section!

Harvest Time 2

Some shallots and garlic with a few spuds.
They are not too big, however considering I don't use fertiliser the produce is pure, juicy and delicious - particularly the garlic!

Harvest Time 1

Harvest time with the spuds - quite a good crop from the first 2 plants.
5 schillin a pun!

Markethill 2010 - 2

Well, you never know who you might bump into on a night out! Jack and Noah enjoying sum chips.
Also, I really like this drum - it is beautifully painted and a great theme.

Markethill 2010 - 1

After a hard week at the summer school, it was relaxation time - we headed to Markethill, Co. Armagh for the annual lambeg drumming match at which 75+ drums took part.
It is a night for the drumming elite to come together to pit their skills of drum preparation, skin selection and drummer skill to see who wins the coveted trophy.
As you can see from the couple of pics quite a crowd turned up to witness the evenings events unfold. It is truly a unique occasion and not for the feint hearted the noise is a times deafening but the atmosphere electric as the night moves on.
We had a reasonable night 2 drums there with 1 reaching round 3 - the final 25. Eric's drum came joint 11th, a respectful place.

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad - Meat Loaf

What a song, what an album - Do you have 'Bat out of Hell' in your CD / Record Collection?

Well, this does it for me it did in 1978 - listening to Radio Luxembourg under the blankets late on a Sunday Night, if my Dad had caught me!

This is a fantastic tune, great meaning. Did anyone ever get 3 out of 3?

Even fiddlers will have this in their record collection!


Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Second Violin by Bagatelle

Here is another favourite track of mine - big hair and crazy days!

There is a lyric in the track -'We used to live, like there was going to be no tomorrow' now 20 - 30 years later - I live - hoping there is going to be a tomorrow.

Video a bit ropey but great song


Tuesday, 3 August 2010

David Anderson - Royal Victorian Order 2

Big Brother David had another visit to Buckingham Palace, this time to receive the RVO - Royal Victorian Order, to add to his MBE that he received a few years ago.
Here he proudly stands outside the Palace with Neeve, Connor, partner Jane and Lauren having received the Medal from Prince Charles.
Well done Big D - don't forget about your wee brother! Excellent piece in the Newtownards Chronicle to further enhance the profile.

First of the crop

Today I had a salad and here is a pic of the first of the crop. I prefer my red onions quite small, crisp and succulent - yes, it was as tasty as it looked, only another 150 to eat!
There is a fair degree of pleasure in growing your own, my vegetables have absolutely no fertiliser at all - just plain growing. There is enough insecticides etc, in modern food so it is good to know what you are eating is pure - well as pure as it can be.
The crop of potato's are almost ready so best I check the Internet for new recipes.

Life can be cruel.

This afternoon I attended the funeral of Chris Woods, a young man who died as a result of a freak and tragic accident.
He had just turned 16 and had received a new set of golf clubs for his birthday, he and his brother set of for a round of golf just like many other folk do each day – sadly this was his last day alive. His brother Connor played a golf shot and the ball travelled a short distance and struck Chris on the head and he immediately collapsed. He was rushed to the Ulster hospital then onto the Royal Hospital for emergency surgery, sadly he passed away on Thursday 29th July 2010.
When Loughries Ulster Scots summer school stated 4 years ago Chris Woods was one of the first children to registrar – his Grandfather is a member of Loughries. He spent the week with us and thoroughly enjoyed his week learning about his tradition. A pupil of Regent House School and talented golfer & footballer, Craig was a wonderful boy and a great example to many of his age.
As the Leader of Loughries summer school I would like to offer my deepest sympathies to the Woods and extended Graham family, at this very sad and difficult time.

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Loughries Ulster Scots Summer School 2010 - 3

A little more publicity for Loughries Ulster Scots Summer School - Tammy Moore took the time to visit the summer school on Thursday. Here is the piece that she prepared.