Friday, 22 February 2013

Tracing your Ancestors in N.Ireland

Tracing your Ancestors - family history in Northern Ireland & Republic of Ireland is fraught with problems. Many, many records were destroyed during the Irish Civil War and sadly this has created a real headache for many amateur family history enthusiasts like me.
However, I am always on the look out for that wee bit of extra help, I picked this book up a while back and it lay tucked away on my bookshelf. I hit the proverbial brick wall in research and happened to come across this book and yes the answer to my query was there!
Never give up - there are many juicy Anderson stories waiting to be told....... and that's just this generation!!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Twelve Days At The Somme

Here is a small book I picked up at Page 1 newsagents in Newtownards a few weeks ago - and yes a great read.

A frontline soldiers view of 12 days at the Somme.......... very touching of course.


UK City of Culture 2013

As many of you know Londonderry is the UK City of Culture in 2013 and has a packed programme of events, some huge events and some quite small - my contribution will fall into the latter!
I was contacted earlier today by a school principal - who was acting on behalf of a group of schools in the Londonderry area who want to engage in Ulster Scots Culture throughout the year.They want me to deliver a series of workshops and classes on Ulster Scots music, language and history. 
I have considered the request and decided to commit to the project for a number of reasons, including the fact that these schools are from disadvantaged working class areas and need help to understand a lot more about their cultural background. They are not getting the service they deserve and if they do get something it usually provided by people who are not qualified nor have the experience to deliver the correct project in a professional way.
So I look forward to my days in the Maiden City in the coming months.
Reports to follow throughout the year!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

A selection of Lambeg Drums - Military Men Part 2

Folks, here is another selection of drums from 'The Ulster Drum' - thanks to Bobby Magreechan.

As you can see I have called this selection part 2 - as in Bobby's book there are quite a few drums with men connected to the military.

 Hope you enjoy this montage: -


Dawn of the Ulster Scots Part 5

As I mentioned in a few previous posts re 'The Ards' and the Hamilton & Montgomery Settlement of 1606 - well here is the final part FIVE (other parts will be uploaded onto my blog daily) of a documentary that was screened several years ago.

If you are interested in local history and/or Ulster Scots history in particular, then this is for you. A very well made programme with a quality professional presenter !!

Hope you enjoyed Part 1 + 2 + 3 + 4


Tuesday, 19 February 2013

A selection of Lambeg Drums - Military Men Part 1

Folks, here is another selection of drums from 'The Ulster Drum' - thanks to Bobby Magreechan.
As you can see I have called this selection part 1 - as in Bobby's book there are quite a few drums with men connected to the military.
Hope you enjoy this montage.


Dawn of the Ulster Scots Part 4

As I mentioned in a few previous posts re 'The Ards' and the Hamilton & Montgomery Settlement of 1606 - well here is part FOUR (other parts will be uploaded onto my blog daily) of a documentary that was screened several years ago.

If you are interested in local history and/or Ulster Scots history in particular, then this is for you. A very well made programme with a quality professional presenter !!

Hope you enjoyed Part 1 + 2 + 3


Monday, 18 February 2013

1613 - A Borough is Born

The Borough of Ards celebrates 400 years in 2013 - with the Royal Charter being bestowed on The  Ardes by King James 1 (VI of Scotland).
The Council has been planning a series of events that will take place throughout 2013 - the launch of this year of celebration will take place later this month.
Members of Loughries Historical Society have been cordially invited to the launch by the Mayor Hamilton Gregory.
We will accept the invitation and look forward to attending......


Dawn of the Ulster Scots Part 3

I mentioned in a few previous posts re 'The Ards' and the Hamilton & Montgomery Settlement of 1606 - well here is part THREE (other parts will be uploaded onto my blog daily) of a documentary that was screened several years ago.

If you are interested in local history and/or Ulster Scots history in particular, then this is for you. A very well made programme with a quality professional presenter !!

Hope you enjoyed Part 1 + 2

Anyone note no fake accents...............!

A Tour of the Ardes - Booklet


Last summer Loughries Summer School visited the Ulster Folk & Transport Museum at Cultra, near Holywood, Co. Down. There were around 60 children and 10 leaders on the trip which as usual turned out to be a great day out.
Whilst the children were visiting the sweet shop, I took the time to have a browse through the gift shop (too much Irish touristy stuff for my taste) I came across this wee booklet - A Tour of the Ardes.
It is a collection of photographs of the Ards and North-East Down (Ards Peninsula) taken from the collection of W.A. Green from the Ulster Folk & Transport Museum, the year around 1910.
I note it is for sale on-line retailers from between £2.00 to £7.00 - my copy was a reasonable £4.95.


Sunday, 17 February 2013

Anderson Family History - Photo

When delving into family history some relatives are very reluctant to part with information, however some relatives are only too willing to tell all they know and also to let the odd secret slip!
Loraine and I hosted Aunt Joan for Sunday lunch today and she kindly brought along her family photo album - so very kind of her.
We discussed at great length elements of family history and Joan permitted me to take a copy or two of her family album..........I may post a few but -
Well who are these three chaps?


Dawn of the Ulster Scots Part 2

I mentioned in a few previous posts re 'The Ards' and the Hamilton & Montgomery Settlement of 1606 - well here is part TWO (other parts will be uploaded onto my blog daily) of a documentary that was screened several years ago.

If you are interested in local history and/or Ulster Scots history in particular, then this is for you. A very well made programme with a quality professional presenter !!

Hope you enjoyed Part 1


Saturday, 16 February 2013

Hamilton & Montgomery - Dawn of the Ulster Scots Part 1

I mentioned in a few previous posts re 'The Ards' and the Hamilton & Montgomery Settlement of 1606 - well here is part one (other parts will be uploaded onto my blog daily) of a documentary that was screened several years ago.

If you are interested in local history and/or Ulster Scots history in particular, then this is for you. A very well made programme with a quality professional presenter !!


A Royal Selection of Lambeg Drums

Below are another selection of Lambeg Drums from Bobby Magreechan's book - The Ulster Drum.
They have all a Royal Connection and are owned by drummin men from throughout Ulster!


Another Few Newtownards Photo's - where are these?

I would appeal to those looking at this blog not to reproduce these photo's without seeking written permission from me first - I hope you will honour my appeal, thank you!

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3


Ulster Scots Language 'The Ards'

Newtownards and the Ards Peninsula has been home to the Ulster Scots for hundreds of years, in fact it is generally accepted that the first large scale planned settlement of Ulster was the Hamilton & Montgomery Settlement of 1606 best known as 'The Dawn of the Ulster Scots.

There are many different facets to being an Ulster Scot - simply your name, your Church, your music, your dance, the food you eat, your profession or simply the way you speak, all will identify you as an Ulster Scot - it is not a place but a people!
There are many in 'The Ards' who promote and develop the Ulster Scots traditions through their love and interest in the area. This can be done in a number of ways, by simply producing publications, playing music - in all its forms, or simply coming together in a common cause to preserve and develop this tradition.

I have blogged before about various events that go on throughout 'The Ards', however I thought I would draw your attention to someone whose love is language and storytelling - Mr Darren Gibson. Darren has been writing articles for a newspapers over several years and indeed has been preparing a few screenplays that very soon may reach the world of television. Below is an article that Darren has written for this week’s News Letter newspaper.

 Look out for Darren Gibson's column every Saturday
Darren deserves a lot of credit for his perseverance in recent years, despite seeking some help to develop and promote his work, time and time again he received very little or no help at all.

So as I mentioned earlier 'for the love and interest in the area' Darren continues to promote his area of Ulster Scots interest - creative writing, even though Darren immigrated to Londonderry for love of a different kind, but he is still Low Country Lad at Heart!


Friday, 15 February 2013

Where in Newtownards is this?

Newtownards is a Loyal wee town and through the years many streets were decorated with Orange Arches, bunting and flags to celebrate the '12th'.

Here is a photo in a street where my Grandmother was born and reared - but where is it?

An extra point if you can name the man with the two children?


Newtownards War Memorial

I have been trying to trace some folk who appeared in a very well known photograph (attached) of the Newtownards War Memorial that was built of snow!
The photo appears in the book 'Newtown - a History of Newtownards' by Trevor McCavery.
A group of ex-servicemen were so disgruntled at the Ards Council inability to build a civic war memorial that as an act of protest they built a war memorial made of snow. There is no date for this event, however it is suspected to have taken place in the early half of 1920's.
Lest We Forget - on the site of the present Newtownards Civic War Memorial

One of the men in the photo was my Grandfather Johnny Anderson and I suspect his brother William was there also, sadly I don't have a previous photo of William therefore I can't confirm this. There was allegedly a report in the Newtownards Chronicle newspaper suggesting that several of the men who had built this war memorial were taken to court on public order offences, sadly I scoured the paper for this report but could not trace it.
Therefore, if anyone out there can assist me with this post I would be delighted to hear from you.

Golf in Ireland - Newtown !

In my last post I touched on the Hamilton & Montgomery Settlement of 1606 in the Ards and North Down. In documents known as the Montgomery Manuscripts many interesting matters were recorded and some little known facts.

In a recent visit to the newspaper library in Belfast I found a letter to the Editor in 1926, regarding the playing of golf in Ireland. There may have been a dispute as to where, when, etc, golf was introduced into Ireland.

In his letter J.R. Fisher confirmed that indeed 'GOFF' was brought into Ireland (Ulster) in or around 1605 - 1606.

It my further understanding that the first Golf course was around the site of Greenwell Street Presbyterian Church!!


Friday Hike

For those of you who regularly click into my blog and are unsure of where I was born, raised and spent the first 30 years of my life, well here is a few snaps of the beauty of Ards, Strangford Lough and Scrabo Hill and Tower.
Many years ago two Ayrshire Scots Hamilton and Montgomery began a settlement here in the Ards, landing in May 1606 at Donaghadee and populating the areas around North Down and Ards and Ards Peninsula. Some of these photo's will give you an idea what this area was chosen, not just its natural beauty but also the riches that lies in the sea and land.
Well, if you want to learn a little more on Hamilton & Montgomery click on this link - you won't be disappointed: -
I started my hike today at 2.20pm from my Mum's house in Greenwell Street with my wee trusted four legged companion Dudley - here are a few pics of our adventure.

View of the Mourne Mountains from the 'Tide Bank'
View of Ards Maltings from the 'Tide Bank'

 Scrabo Hill and Tower from the Comber Carriageway
Closer to my Destination
 My destination from Killynether House

Entrance to Killynether Wood - and famous carpark (popular courting spot)

View of Belfast from Killynether Hill

 Mourne Mountains with Comber in the foreground

Wee Dudley 1/2 way through his walk

View from Scrabo carpark

My destination

 The now sprawling town of Newtownards (Newtown)

Strangford Lough - on my return walk

Scrabo Tower disappears below the Scrabo quarry

Two hours 45 minutes later I returned to Mum's house knackered! a great way to spend a Friday afternoon.