For those of you who regularly click into my blog and are unsure of where I was born, raised and spent the first 30 years of my life, well here is a few snaps of the beauty of Ards, Strangford Lough and Scrabo Hill and Tower.
Many years ago two Ayrshire Scots Hamilton and Montgomery began a settlement here in the Ards, landing in May 1606 at Donaghadee and populating the areas around North Down and Ards and Ards Peninsula. Some of these photo's will give you an idea what this area was chosen, not just its natural beauty but also the riches that lies in the sea and land.
I started my hike today at 2.20pm from my Mum's house in Greenwell Street with my wee trusted four legged companion Dudley - here are a few pics of our adventure.
View of the Mourne Mountains from the 'Tide Bank'
View of Ards Maltings from the 'Tide Bank'
Scrabo Hill and Tower from the Comber Carriageway
Closer to my Destination
My destination from Killynether House
Entrance to Killynether Wood - and famous carpark (popular courting spot)
View of Belfast from Killynether Hill
Mourne Mountains with Comber in the foreground
Wee Dudley 1/2 way through his walk
View from Scrabo carpark
My destination
The now sprawling town of Newtownards (Newtown)
Strangford Lough - on my return walk
Scrabo Tower disappears below the Scrabo quarry
Two hours 45 minutes later I returned to Mum's house knackered! a great way to spend a Friday afternoon.