Thursday 20 January 2011

Ulster Scots Poem

I was fortunate enough to meet Mr. Darren Gibson on my travels in 2010. Darren lived in the Ards Penisulsa for many years, before emigrating to Londonderry. Darren penned this poem and has kindly allowed me to post on my blog - here with a few words of brief explanation

Its only 3 verses long. I had originally intended it to be a lament and indeed the first 2 verses were written after I had returned from few days 'at hame' in the low country. As I drove through Graba, Portavoigie and Cloghey. I was dismayed by the rash of new housing that betrayed my childhood memories - therefore the reference to Exodus 2:22.

However, I am not naturally inclined to the dirge so I put the poem aside unfinished. Which was a good job as a few months later, after association with a few stout soles like yourself I held a more positive outlook for the future, which is reflected in third verse.

Oor ain strange lan

Na mere the taak way herd as weans,
Noo aa but gan frae freenly hames,
Loast amang mere recent claims,
Left ahind an mossy stanes.

An mere than taak is loast an gan,
For aftin wurds prescribe the maun,
An leeves iz noo at dailygan,
Strangers in oor ain strange lan.

Yet still anaw a wheen are fun,
Who held their ain whun aa gave grun,
An kept alive their faithers tongue,
In hapes of better times tae cum.

D. Gibson 2011


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