When I started working full-time for the Ulster Scots Agency back in November 2008, I was keen to help promote and develop the Fife & Lambeg Drum Tradition as much as I could - be it workshops, tuition, publications or media etc. I was subsequently involved in two publications one being The Ulster Drum. The other booklet I will post later.
Sadly, and quite strangely, I was not allowed to work on the booklet during my hours with the Agency (contractual reasons) nevertheless on my own time, I continued to work with Michael McCullough on the booklet, after all I had the contacts to deliver quite a few articles for the publication.
Bobby Magreechan - a friend of mine is a collector of Lambeg Drum photographs and over the years he has amassed a huge amount of drum photos. I persuaded Bobby to speak with Michael at the Agency regarding publishing his work. I set up the initial meeting and assisted for the first few weeks then let them to it.
George Holmes - another friend of mine and drumming enthusiast, helped to ‘write up’ the book.
The booklet was printed and ready for sale & distribution on Saturday 25th July 2009, Clady Day in Markethill – the biggest lambeg drumming competition of the year! Congratulations to everyone involved in the project
I received no payment or recognition for the publication; however my satisfaction was that Bobby had published his book / booklet, the Agency had its publication and I managed to get the painting I commissioned for my dad into the booklet!